Welcome to Book Of Vert: the ultimate guide to vert rollerblading and inline skating!



Name Description Example Varation
Sit-in Coming soon. Want to be featured for free? Send me your IG to be added. Fakie.
Drop-in Coming soon. Want to be featured for free? Send me your IG to be added. Fakie:
Jump-in Coming soon.
Roll-in Coming soon.


Name Description Example Varation
Invert Coming soon.
Fakie, Ali Oop, Grabbed, Hip Hop.
Eggplant Coming soon. Want to be featured for free? Send me your IG to be added. Fakie, Ali Oop, Grabbed, Hip Hop.
Ho-Ho Coming soon. Want to be featured for free? Send me your IG to be added. Fakie, Ali Oop, Invert.
With Coping Stalls Coming soon.
Fakie, Ali Oop, Invert.

Airs (Ungrabbed)

Name Description Example Varation
Forward Coming soon. Want to be featured for free? Send me your IG to be added. With a Spin, Flip, Grab, Ali Oop.
Fakie Coming soon. Want to be featured for free? Send me your IG to be added. With a Spin, Flip, Grab, Ali Oop.
Ali Oop Coming soon. Want to be featured for free? Send me your IG to be added. With a Spin, Flip, Grab.
Abstract/Cross Legs bent and crossed. Left hand grab right boot via side.
With a Spin, Flip, Ali Oop.
Lookup Looking up instead of straight. Want to be featured for free? Send me your IG to be added. With a Spin, Flip, Grab, Ali Oop.
Illusion Head looking opposite way to spin or flip rotation. Want to be featured for free? Send me your IG to be added. With a Spin, Flip, Grab, Ali Oop.
Reverse/Switch Opposite to natural. Want to be featured for free? Send me your IG to be added. With a Spin, Flip, Ali Oop.
Stiffy Coming soon. Want to be featured for free? Send me your IG to be added. With a Spin, Flip, Grab, Ali Oop.
Jot Air Coming soon. Want to be featured for free? Send me your IG to be added. With a Spin, Flip, Grab, Ali Oop.
Moor Air Coming soon. Want to be featured for free? Send me your IG to be added. With a Spin, Flip, Grab, Ali Oop.
Unspill Coming soon. Want to be featured for free? Send me your IG to be added. With a Spin, Flip, Grab, Ali Oop.
Vile Air Coming soon. Want to be featured for free? Send me your IG to be added. With a Spin, Flip, Grab, Ali Oop.
Shifty Air Coming soon. With an Air, Spin, Flip.

(Airs with) Grabs/Holds

Name Description Example Varation
Gumby Air Method with legs apart and not grabbed.
With a Spin, Flip, Ali Oop.
Lui Kang Left leg straight, right left Safety. Right hand grab right boot via side. Cesar Mora
Cesar Mora
With an Air, Spin, Flip.
Look Back/Kick Back Right straight front, left bent back. Right hand grab left boot = similar to stretch Cesar Mora
With an Air, Spin, Flip.
Tweak/Back Breaker Body pulled away from grab. Want to be featured for free? Send me your IG to be added. With an Air, Spin, Flip.
Safety Grab Coming soon. Want to be featured for free? Send me your IG to be added. With an Air, Spin, Flip.
Safety Grabbed Abstract/Cross Legs bent and crossed. Left hand grab right boot via side.
With an Air, Spin, Flip.
Contortis/Pull Back Left slightly straight. Right bend in crotch. Left grab right heel.
Heel Grab Contortis Straight Leg Air:
With an Air, Spin, Flip.
LD (Long Dick) Coming soon.
With an Air, Spin, Flip.
Method Coming soon.
With an Air, Spin, Flip.
Rocket Both straight together. Right grab left leg.
With an Air, Spin, Flip.
Cross Rocket Both straight together but crossed. Right grab left leg
With an Air, Spin, Flip.
Crotch Coming soon.
With an Air, Spin, Flip.
Cross Bone Coming soon.
With an Air, Spin, Flip.
Scissor Kick Right leg straight. Left leg bend under body. Right hand grab leg boot via side.
With an Air, Spin, Flip.
Stale Right hand grab left boot heel.
With an Air, Spin, Flip.
Reverse Stale Coming soon.
With an Air, Spin, Flip.
Leg Spread Legs straight and spread. Left hand to left boot toe and right hand to right toe over top.
With an Air, Spin, Flip.
Japan Coimg soon.
With an Air, Spin, Flip.
Stretch Air Left front straight. Right bend back. Right grab right boot.
With an Air, Spin, Flip.
Kung Lao Right leg safety. Right hand to right boot. Left leg loose.
With an Air, Spin, Flip.
Nose Bone Coming soon. Want to be featured for free? Send me your IG to be added. With an Air, Spin, Flip.
Stressed Madonna Coming soon.
With an Air, Spin, Flip.
Indian Coming soon.
With an Air, Spin, Flip.
KY Express Left straight. Right loose. Left hand grab left inner boot via side.
With an Air, Spin, Flip.
Flying Fish Coming soon.
With an Air, Spin, Flip.
Judo Right leg loose. Left leg bend under groin. Right hand grab left boot over front.
With an Air, Spin, Flip.
Stale Judo Coming soon.
With an Air, Spin, Flip.
T-Bone Grab Coming soon. Want to be featured for free? Send me your IG to be added. With an Air, Spin, Flip.
Double Grabs Coming soon.
With an Air, Spin, Flip.
Parallel Grab Coming soon. With an Air, Spin, Flip.
Rib Cruncher (Switch Parallel & LiuKang) Coming soon. With an Air, Spin, Flip.
That Grab Coming soon. With an Air, Spin, Flip.
Hippy Clinch (Parallel That Grab) Coming soon. With an Air, Spin, Flip.


Name Description Example Varation
(Vertical) Spin 180, 360 (1 spin), 540, 720 (2 spins), 900, 1080 (3 spins), 1260, 1440 (1 spins), 1620 degree spin on the vertical axis. Want to be featured for free? Send me your IG to be added. With a Grab, Late (Start the rotation after the apex of the air), Fakie, Ali Oop, Reverse/Switch.
Flatspin Backward spin on the vertical axis. In between A Custard Chucker and Backflip. Trent Phillips
With a 360, 540, 720, 900, Grabbed.
Rodeo spin Off-axis backwards spin with feet above head. Want to be featured for free? Send me your IG to be added. With a Grab.
Cork(screw) Spin Off-axis backwards spin with feet below head.
With a Grab.
Bio spin Off-axis forward spin with feet below head. Want to be featured for free? Send me your IG to be added. With a Grab.


Name Description Example Varation
Front Flip Forward spin on the horizontal axis.
With a Grab.
Hot Flip Coming Soon
With a Grab.
McTwist Off-axis forward inverted 540 spin. Want to be featured for free? Send me your IG to be added. With a 720, 900, Grab or handplant.
Handplant McTwist Off-axis forward inverted 540 spin.
With a 720, 900, Grab.
Viking Flip Coming soon.
With a 720, 900, Grab or handplant.
Monkey/Ninja/Turtle/Side/Gecko Flip "It's essentially a cartwheel on a ramp or an invert to fakie under the coping."
With a Grab or Handplant.
Miller Flip "One hand "The Miller Flip is very similar to step 1 (Turtle Flip) but only one hand is used to touch the ramp. This allows you to go a but higher up the ramp and get a bit further away from the ramp without fully committing to flipping over your back."
With a Grab or Handplant.
Custard Chucker "The Custard Chucker is a backflip but not the "gymnastic" (Straight back) type of flip. If you slow this and watch carefully you'll see that I don't lose sight of the ramp at any time. So it "seems" safer and can be done under the coping or over the coping just as easily. From here you can work on your grabs and drifting across the ramp for style points." With a Grab.
Back Flip Backward spin on the horizontal axis.
With a Grab.
Cat Flip Coming soon.
With a Grab.
Brainless/Back Flair Back Flip with 180 spin.
With a Grab.
Berani A Front Flip with a 180 degree turn. Want to be featured for free? Send me your IG to be added. With a Grab, late (Start the rotation after the apex of the air), Fakie, Ali Oop, Reverse/Switch (opposite to natural).
Hot Flip Coming soon. Want to be featured for free? Send me your IG to be added.
Front Flair Coming soon.
Fakie Misty Flip Off-axis forward 540 spin with feet above head.
With a Grab, Ali Oop, Illusion.

Table/Deck Tricks

Want to be featured for free? Send me your IG to be added.
Name Description Example Varation
Toe Tap Coming soon.
Single foot.
Toe Slide Coming soon. Want to be featured for free? Send me your IG to be added. Single foot.
Melvin (Heel tap) Coming soon. Want to be featured for free? Send me your IG to be added. Single foot.
Heel Slide Coming soon. Want to be featured for free? Send me your IG to be added. Single foot.

Grinds & Stalls

Name Description Example Varation
Cess Slide on the transition Coming soon.
Single foot.

For more grinds (and stalls), please see:
Book Of Grinds


Toby Caust, Iain Smith, Cesar Mora, Bradley Watson, Joe Atkinson, Erik Droogh, Scott Crawford, Chris Edwards, Takeshi Yasutoko, Eito Yasutoko, Fabiola Da Silva, Marco DeSanti, Trent Philips, Montre Livingston, Rich Parker, Alex del Campo, Zack del Campo, Nel Martin, Miguel Ramos, Jay Cuthbertson, Shane Yost, Patrick Krämre, Emi Parejo, Borja Fdz, Joseph Huxley, Eric Michael, Rafael Lima


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